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Paul Damberg (id:3155)
Membership Status: Paid membership good for another 29 days.
Maker Bio/Info: As a Lifelong supporter of locally based organizations that build community, and being a woodcraft person, Joining DMS has been an incredibly positive thing for me. I am excited to join Duluth Makerspace. I am a lifelong north-lander, 33 year non-profit guy, scouter, Rotarian, teacher and ardent disability advocate! . Along with woodworking, I have done stone carving, large artistic steel welding, poured bronze sculpting, glass melting... I like making things! 'Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing.' ~Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. That is why I will never stop playing!

Current Projects/News: I handcraft Heirloom Artisanal wood products made from regionally sourced hardwoods. Including: edge and face glued heirloom cutting boards, charcuterie boards, tables and counter insert furniture. I have worked in carpentry, woodworking & DIY projects for over 40 years

My Facebook:

Badges: this member has been trained in the following:

3D Print/Design: 25%
Auto: 0%
Bicycle: 0%
Brewery: 0%
Crafts: 0%
Electronics/Robotics: 25%
Fabrics: 0%
High Tech/CNC: 75%
Kitchen/Cooking: 100%
Metal/Welding: 50%
Pottery: 0%
Programming: 50%
RC/Flight: 25%
Wood: 100%
3D Print/Design: 0%
Auto: 0%
Bicycle: 0%
Brewery: 0%
Crafts: 0%
Electronics/Robotics: 25%
Fabrics: 0%
High Tech/CNC: 25%
Kitchen/Cooking: 100%
Metal/Welding: 25%
Pottery: 0%
Programming: 25%
RC/Flight: 0%
Wood: 75%

Equipment Tracking:

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